Fundraising for 2023-2024 Charities 

Raising funds to support local benevolent or philanthropic charities in Northern Virginia and for Lake Barcroft community projects is a primary purpose of the Woman’s Club. Every year, local charities and community projects are nominated and then selected by the club’s membership.

In September, members vote by ballot for three nominated charities. The six charities receiving the most votes are selected to be recipients of that year’s fundraising efforts. Ninety percent (90%) of the funds raised is distributed evenly among the top three charities receiving the most votes and the remaining 10% is divided equally among the next three charities receiving the most votes. Funds are distributed in May.

Congratulations to the following charities (listed alphabetically) as the recipients of the $15,510 funds raised in 2023-2024!

The three charities to share 90% of the funds include:

⁠ - Bailey’s Crossroads Volunteer Fire Department ⁠

 - Culmore Clinic

⁠ - English Empowerment Center 

⁠ - Justice High School Scholarship Fund

 - The Lamb Center

 - The Wolf Shack (Justice High School's Food Pantry)

Information about each selected charity follows:

Bailey’s Crossroads Volunteer Fire Department

Numerous Lake Barcroft residents, and neighbors in proximity to the lake, have depended on the support of the BXRVFD, the busiest station in Fairfax County; it makes 8,000 calls/year, in Falls Church, Annandale, and Arlington County. No other organization has provided as much life-saving support to Lake Barcroft and its neighbors as the BXRVFD. For three years, BXRVFD trucks have been equipped with life-saving equipment for dogs and cats. Its firefighters teach Water Safety and Rescue to our lifeguards. They lead our annual holiday parades and provide us with an ambulance and an EMT at our July 4th fireworks. In 2013 and 2015, BXRVFD purchased its first two life support paramedic ambulances. This year they are buying two new firetrucks at a cost of $700,000; our funds will go toward the $7,000/month payment and repairs to other equipment. BXRVFD trucks have the most advanced life support equipment of its kind. When called to use in an emergency, the truck is staffed with a trained paramedic and two trained EMTs. Lake Barcroft and its neighbors will continue to be well-served by the quick response of highly-trained EMT personnel available in emergencies from this station.

Culmore Clinic

Culmore Clinic works to restore hope for our neighbors in need. The clinic offers low-cost health services to patients who would not otherwise have access to any kind of medical care. Through partnerships with area health providers, patients using the clinic have access to medical providers, laboratory and diagnostic care. Donations will support the clinic's medical, counseling, and diabetes programs as well as preventive services such as mammograms, dental screenings and physical therapy.

English Empowerment Center

Each year the English Empowerment Center's (EEC) English classes benefit hundreds of immigrant adults who cannot speak or read English above the 6-grade level. They are our neighbors, parents of our children’s classmates, and workers who manicure our lawns. They hail from 95 different countries, and over half live in abject poverty, defined as $25,100 or less to support a family of four. Their lack of English keeps them from advancing at work and limits their children’s achievement. With headquarters at Annandale Road and Rt. 50, this nonprofit offers courses both online and in-person at convenient times for working adults. Classes, staffed by qualified teachers with extensive volunteer support, are kept small to expedite learning. Regular fundraising and hard-won grants underwrite the lowest tuition among academic institutions in the region and fund scholarships for those who cannot afford to pay. Due to its transparent ethical business practices and powerful impact on learning, Parade Magazine has recognized EEC as an Outstanding Charity in Virginia. A Platinum Seal of Transparency by Guide Star (their highest rating) is a further testament to its business practices. Please help EEC fund its programs.

Justice High School Scholarship Fund

This past May, JHSSF received more applications from graduating seniors than at ANY time in the past. We were happy to award over $275,000 to 84 seniors , and together with our local partners Thurgood Marshall, Casey Schumann Fund and Baileys Crossroads Rotary, awarded $353,000. There simply is no more LOCAL charity than JHSSF. These are the kids who bag your groceries, stock the shelves and check you out; their parents are the hardworking crews that mow your lawns and clean your homes. By voting for JHSSF you know that LBWC funds are being spent on your immediate neighbors. Forging a partnership with Lake Barcroft’s local high school means you can have a direct hand in providing access to college educations for numerous local students- students who otherwise simply cannot afford to go to college. JHSSF scholarship recipients generally have excellent academics- 97% of award recipients take International Baccalaureate classes. They also have a track record of community service to our libraries, elementary schools and local watershed cleanup days. They also overcome tremendous odds- 63% are the first in their families to attend college; 83% are eligible for free or reduced lunch. We are a 501(c)3 tax-exempt charity that is audited annually.

The Lamb Center⁠

The Lamb Center is a daytime drop-in shelter for individuals experiencing homelessness in Fairfax, Virginia. The Lamb Center provides a variety of services without cost to guests including breakfast, lunch, showers, laundry service, Bible studies, case management, AA meetings, a nurse practitioner clinic, a dental clinic, and much more. The Lamb Center partners with local groups and organizations that have a passion for serving the homeless. If selected, the donation would provide support for the Lamb center's mission and help transform the lives of the poor and those who are homeless. Helping homeless people means feeding, caring, clothing and educating them so they can get employed and back on their feet.

The Wolf Shack

The Wolf Shack is Justice High School PTSA’s volunteer-run resource pantry providing students free, nutritious food to sustain them during long days after school, and staple-meal items to fill-in food gaps for themselves and their families. The pantry also provides dignity items, including a wide variety of toiletries and feminine products. During the school day, the Wolf Shack is accessible to the school social workers, counselors, and parent liaisons for use at their discretion when student needs arise. There are no requirements for being a Wolf Shack “shopper,” all students are welcome, and it is a zero-stigma zone. Since opening Fall 2022, the Wolf Shack has steadily increased capacity to serve 300 students per week, during two weekly after-school sessions. As nearly 70% of Justice HS students qualify for free or reduced lunch (among the highest across Fairfax County), the need for Wolf Shack resources continues to grow. They are working hard to build-up capacity and expand their offerings, as they expect to serve many more students this school year. It is amazing the difference it makes when a student has the basic resources that they need to be able to have parity of opportunity with their peers. 

Photos by George McLennan and RawPixel.